Brush-Wash Cleaner & Renewer

Brush-Wash Cleaner & Renewer removes dried paint from most types of paint applicators. Specially formulated to clean and recondition synthetic bristle brushes and roller covers. This biodegradable, water-based formula is safe, fast and effective on oil, latex and enamel paints, varnish, lacquer, shellac, and polyurethane


✓       Oil

✓       Latex

✓       Enamel Paints

✓       Varnish

✓       Lacquer

✓       Shellac

✓       Polyurethane



  • Safely cleans and reconditions synthetic bristle brushes and roller covers to a like new appearance
  • The only biodegradable brush cleaner on the market
  • A safe alternative to solvent-based brush cleaners
  • EPA Safer Choice Certified

Safer Choice Award badge


*EPA/Safer Choice recognition does not constitute endorsement of this product. The Safer Choice logo signifies that the product’s formula, as Krud Kutter Inc. has represented it to the EPA, contains ingredients with more positive human health and environmental characteristics than conventional products of the same type. EPA/Safer Choice relies solely on Krud Kutter Inc., its integrity and good faith, for information on the product’s composition, ingredients and attributes. EPA/Safer Choice has not independently identified, that is, via chemical analysis, the ingredients in the product formula, nor evaluated any of Krud Kutter Inc.’s non-ingredient claims. EPA/Safer Choice provides its evaluation only as to the product’s human health and environmental characteristics, as specified in the Standard and based on currently available information and scientific understanding

*Safe for food prep surfaces. Not intended for direct food contact. Not for use to clean up after raw meat or fish.

For Best Results

Soak the brush several hours or overnight until the paint has softened.

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